Wednesday, September 5, 2007

May 25, 2007 - 12 weeks, 2 days

I had a doctor's appointment today so it is time for an update. To be quite honest, while I knew I was pregnant already, it really hit home today when I heard the heartbeat for the first time. That alone is what assures me that everything is going fine and that I am in fact, pregnant! I know it sounds silly, but an ultrasound is just a picture, the doppler used to hear the heartbeat is what says it all to me. It reminds me of the little miracle I have growing inside me right now. I left the doctor's office on cloud nine and I don't think I have come down yet. Anyway, on with the update! As I mentioned we did hear the heartbeat for the first time today. It was "very strong for 12 weeks" according to the nurse practitioner. She was pleased at how strong it was. It was in the 160s and for all of you familiar with the old wives tales about the heartbeat and gender prediction, she said not to try anything yet, the heartbeat is always that fast this early on. My blood pressure was great and my weight was actually down 4 pounds. This would normally be concerning, but with a heartbeat so strong, the NP said there is nothing to worry about. I have another appointment in 4 weeks and then at the following appointment we'll have the big ultrasound. I was informed that my doctor won't do the "big ultrasound" a day before you are 18 weeks. If you ask me today, I still think it is a boy, but during the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy with Seth, I was sure he was a girl. I only changed my mind 2 weeks before we found out with him, so who knows! Maybe my "Mommy instincts" are backwards at the beginning of the pregnancy!!! Either way, I will be thrilled and all I truly want is to have a healthy baby and pregnancy. As for my early pregnancy symptoms, I am doing well. I was having constant morning sickness but, that seems to have subsided to only once or twice a week. And, otherwise, I am still really tired all of the time and getting more excited each day! So, that's all for my update for now. I'll write more as I know more! Thanks for reading!

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