Tuesday, September 25, 2007

30 weeks, 1 day

Well, since my last post I did finally hear back from my doctor. He played a very long game of phone tag with the Urologist, but they were finally able to talk about my case. The end result is that we are all finally on the same page and everyone is happy and confident that waiting until Hannah is born to do anything about my kidney is the right choice. Since we have already discussed inducing at 38 weeks with my OB, we have decided to stick with that plan. Henry and I are confident that she will be fully baked and ready to breath by then, especially since Seth was born at 38 weeks 2 days and was perfect! Otherwise, things have been going well. I am extremely tired and am experiencing the lack of sleep I never experienced while pregnant with Seth. Now I understand where all of my friends were coming from when they described this "symptom" to me. The only hard part is having my roudy 1 year old to chase after. Speaking of which, he was sick at the end of last week and I have discovered that Seth has the same reaction (and then some) to Dimetapp that I do! I gave him a dose of it before a nap and he did not get drowsy at all. In fact, he became downright hyper! Seriously, he was so wired and wouldn't take a nap, that I finally took him to the outdoor Outlet Mall down the road to walk around for an hour and a half. He finally fell asleep in the car around 3:15. He then took a nice long nap and went to bed at 8:00pm. Needless to say, I was exhausted! The only other notable changes could be that I have been feeling bigger and bigger every day! I guess that Little Miss is running out of room so she has started doing some strange things to stretch out. I'm not complaining, I love the movement, but it is most uncomfortable when I am sitting down to eat or sitting in an upright position just to rest. It seems like the only time I can rest well is if I am laying down because I must be encroaching in her space when I sit upright. We had another doctors appointment today. I will be going every other week from now until 36 weeks when I go weekly. My pressure today was ok, 130/60. It was mentioned that the top number was a bit high, but that was all that was said. I did have a tremendous weight gain this time...6 pounds! I guess the brownie craving is starting to catch up with me! I asked the doctor about my measurements and he said that I am exactly the same as I was with Seth, weight and everything! Now, we just have to play the waiting game to the end! All said, I am still feeling good. I enjoy being pregnant and will miss it when I am through. The reward at the end is so much greater that I can ever imagine!

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