Wednesday, September 5, 2007

April 19, 2007 - Surprise!!!!!!!!

We're having another baby! We found out on Friday and it was confirmed yesterday by my doctor that I am in fact 8 weeks pregnant. We saw the heartbeat and my doctor says everything looks great! So, sometime around December 3, Seth will become a big brother for the first time! We were quite surprised by this new little one. This truly was a miracle and gift from God. After all of the trouble we had getting pregnant with Seth we just never figured we would be able to get pregnant without seeking some assistance from the fertility specialists again. We are totally thrilled and I have to admit that I am still in shock. I can't wait to see where this new adventure in our lives will take us. So, now we wait to find out, boy or girl?!?!?!? We should know by July, so I'll update then!

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