Monday, December 31, 2007
One month old and growing like a weed!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
2 Week Check Up
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Week in Review
Seth's first time holding Hannah. This is picture #1, watch the progression as we tried to get a picture of Seth kissing the top of Hannah's head. Picture #2 - "What do you want me to do Mom?" says Seth.
Picture #3 - "I tried to kiss her and this is the thanks I get!" says Seth. Picture #4 - Hannah is calm again and Seth is about to try to push her out of his lap, he's done taking pictures with her!Thursday, November 29, 2007
Almost ready to be bundled to meet Mommy.All I can say is WOW! What a day Monday was! I'll spare the gory details and give you a slight glimpse into what the day was like. We got to the hospital around 7:15 am and checked in. We went up to the Labor and Delivery floor, got settled into our room and waited for Dr. Brody to come in and start the induction. Dr. Brody arrived and the induction process began around 9:30 am. My contractions started at 10:00 am and got progressively stronger over the next four hours. Dr. Brody came back and gave me another dose of the induction medication at 2:00 pm which helped things along. By the time Dr. Brody came back in to check on me at 5:30 pm I was dilated to 3 cm and having very strong and regular contractions. He broke my water while we waited on the epidural. He told me it would be several more hours, but he felt sure she would be born before midnight. I was quite uncomfortable and could not wait to see the anesthesiologist walk through the door. Unfortunately for me, it took the doctor 15 minutes to place the epidural and it never really took full effect. By the time he was done with the epidural I was 4cm and still extremely uncomfortable. We tried everything to get the epidural to take full effect and to my disappointment were not able to achieve anything except making my right side completely numb ... I had FULL feeling on my left side. After all of the rolling back and forth from side to side I was hit with the feeling that the baby was ready to come out. By now, it was 7:10 pm-ish and I was crying I hurt so bad! Anyhow, the nurses checked me and realized very quickly that I was complete and ready to push (DUH, I tried to tell them this myself)!!! So...the nurses put a call into Dr. Brody and told him to hurry (safely, of course) and then told me that I needed to breathe through the contractions, not push and wait for Dr. Brody. Those were the toughest 20 minutes of my entire life! Not pushing was awful and some very funny things came out of my mouth while I waited in pain! Between crying and contractions and breathing I kept telling the nurses to just let me push, find another doctor - any doctor, and when they told me "No, you're doing great, keep breathing", I told them all that they were mean! Yes, I seriously said it! I literally told them all that they were "Mean, Mean, Mean!" Anyway, Dr. Brody got to the hospital by the time he had his scrubs on and the gown and one glove Hannah was already beginning to make her own grand entrance into the world. The look on his face when he turned around to see her coming out on her own with no pushing on my part was priceless. I might have laughed if the contraction wasn't hurting so bad! Dr. Brody finished the delivery and I only pushed once. The relief I felt was immediate and so wonderful! Hannah was placed on my belly and the introductions to me and her Daddy began. She was quiet at first and then she let loose! Those first cries are always and will always be the most beautiful sounds in the world. The first thing we noticed about her was that she looks exactly like Seth did when he was born. It was really quite shocking how closely they resembled each other at birth. After the nurses got Hannah cleaned up a bit they placed her in the scale and told us that her weight was 5lbs 10 oz. The change in her weight came several hours later when they had her in the nursery. The took her weight and the scale said 6 lbs 14 oz. Of course it is impossible for her to have a 22% weight gain in such a short amount of time so they weighed her twice more and realized that the scale she was weighed on at birth was wrong! We are at home now and we are all doing wonderfully. Seth seems to like his new little sister and shows a little interest in her. He is acting out just a little, but that is to be expected and it is nothing worth complaining about. Hannah is a champ at nursing, just like her brother was. She is very calm and quiet unless she is wet or hungry and as is typical of newborns, she does have her days and nights mixed up. Overall, everything is awesome and being the parents of two children is going smoothly. I feel great and seem to be recovering much quicker this time around and Henry is a huge help and doting father all over again. We make a great team, if I do say so myself!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
November 15, 2007 - 37 weeks 3 days
Thursday, November 8, 2007
36 weeks 3 days and we have progress!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
35 weeks 3 days
Thursday, October 11, 2007
32 weeks, 3 days - Doctor Appointment
Thursday, October 4, 2007
31 weeks 3 days - Level II Ultrasound
A picture of Hannah resting her head on her fist.
A perfect little (Long) foot! (No, those are not extra toes, they are actually fingers, she had her foot pulled up to her hands.)
We went for our Level II ultrasound today. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! All things pregnancy have always amazed and confounded me but today took the cake! As I said in the title of this post I am currently 31 weeks 3 day along. We knew it would be neat to see Hannah, it always is, but today was the best ever! The ultrasound tech was very thorough and checked everything necessary but we got to see some other impressive things at the same time. She looked at everything from each of Hannah's hands and feet (counting fingers and toes) to her mouth, eye sockets and even the hair on her head...and there's a lot of it! While we were watching her, you could see Hannah practicing swallowing and sucking. She was opening and closing her eyes and even had one little hand resting under her chin. And boy those feet! It looks like she is going to take after her Uncle Gabe and Uncle Saul because they appeared to be very long! (Sorry little girl, Mommy has big feet, too!) We saw her profile, finally, and can't really guess yet who she'll look like. We were even able to see that her heart, kidneys and bladder were all functioning normally. At the end of the ultrasound we were informed that Hannah is growing beautifully, in fact, she is measuring a full week ahead, at 32 weeks 3 days gestation, and is currently estimated to weigh 4 pounds and 1 ounce.
We have one appointment a week from now on, so I'll be updating more regularly the closer we get.