Saturday, February 16, 2008

Crafton Family Update

I know after the lengthy post I just posted, you are all wondering about the beautiful family I mentioned. Seth Seth is GREAT! He has been so much fun from the day he was born but he is just more fun every day. He is beginning to speak in sentences. He puts words together without hearing me put them together. A common phrase in our house is "Here we come!" and just Thursday Seth was standing at the window looking out and Henry happened to pull into the driveway at the same time. Seth turned around, ran to the front door and said "Here comes Daddy!" It was so sweet. He is such a bright kid. He amazes us every day with is smarts. He has such a sweet heart also. He loves his little sister to pieces and kisses and holds her all the time. Hannah Hannah is almost three months old and we keep asking ourselves, where has the time gone? I feel like I was cheated in a way because I spent the first 8 weeks of Hannah's life worrying about surgery and Hannah bottle feeding and how would the kids do without us for 4 days and so much more that I didn't take the time to memorize her growth and development as I did when Seth was a newborn. Don't get me wrong, I can tell you anything you need or want to know, I just feel like she's grown and changed so much that I might have missed something. Anyhow, Hannah has found her hands. She is very much a pacifier sucker but when it isn't in her mouth her hands are. Hannah also seems to be a bit of a Mommy's girl, which is only fair because Seth is a total Daddy's boy! All I have to do is grin at her a little and I get the biggest smiles. Those smiles melt my heart and the hearts of anyone around. She is trying to talk and trying to laugh all the time now, she just hasn't figured it out yet. Well, truthfully, I think she has figured it out she just doesn't separate the sounds so she always sounds like she is laugh/talking at the same time. Henry and Me What can I say about Henry except that he is the most devoted husband and father in the whole world. He is constantly working his tail off to support our family and still manages to spend a ton of time with us. Out of exhaustion I sometimes accuse him of not spending enough time with us, but that is the selfish part of me talking. We would not be where we are today if not for his hard work and dedication to us. I am so thankful for everything he does for our family and love he shows to us each day. All in all he is doing wonderful. He has a renewed hope for getting healthy and losing weight as do I. We are going to begin the process of changing our lifestyles...eating habits, exercising habits and the like. He has a new workout buddy in the neighborhood who he'll be working out with and playing some flag football with and I have a tremendous group of ladies who I have begun walking with, one of which will be my training partner. I have decided that I am going to do my best to run the 26.2 with Donna NAtional Breast Cancer Marathon next year and my good friend Jennifer is going to be my training partner. We hope to begin our training in a few weeks after I am completely healed from my surgery. I am so excited about this. I know it is a lofty goal for someone who admittedly has never really exercised in her life, but I have decided that I want to be a good steward of that which God has given me, including my body! I hope to lose a considerable amount of weight at the same time. I now understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and healthy lifestyle. With only one kidney left I really need to be more conscientious about what I eat and how much I weigh. I don't plan on becoming a fitness freak (no offense to anyone who might take offense) I just want to set a good example for my kids. So, expect to see updates every so often about my training and how it is going and please feel free to leave me an encouraging word every now and then as I am sure I will need them! So, with the updates done for now, I'll post a couple of pictures from the first half of this month.


Nicole said...

very nice,
i'll keep you guys out walking! rain or shine! ;)

Anonymous said...

Stephanie! Your family is so adorable. Seth is going to have the ladies chasing him and Henry will have plenty of time to practice being the over-protective father when the boys start knocking at the door:) Tell Henry and your folks and Aunt Stacy hi for me! It was very inspiring to read your cancer story. I had no idea. God is indeed gracious and I am so thankful to have my good Florida friends still faithful. Too bad we can't have playdates. With the four kiddos it would be a good time!