Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Drama Queen!

Well, Hannah Grace continues to grow and change. She is an incredibly fast learner and keeps us on our toes! And, in keeping with tradition, she is moving right along in the development department! She has been crawling for quite some time now, well, army crawling. She is getting EXTREMELY fast now. One second she's in front of me and the next she's across the room! We have taken out some of Seth's old "baby" toys and bought a couple new ones for her and she is sooo not interested in them! She is more interested in Seth's cars and tools and stuff. It drives me nuts! While none of his toys are too small for her to be playing with, it still makes me nervous for her to play with them. So, on a little Seth side note, he now has "big boy toys" in his room to play with and "universal" toys downstairs. Back to Hannah, on Saturday night I noticed that Hannah was starting to get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. I told Henry that it is time we drop the mattress in the crib, and being the good father he is, he agreed and said he would do it in the morning because it was so close to bedtime. Well, wouldn't you know that Sunday morning when I went into her room to get her, she was sitting up on her knees looking out over the side of the crib! It was really so cute and where was the camera???? Downstairs!!!!! So, Sunday evening Henry got his tools out and dropped the mattress 2 levels. As we were putting Hannah to bed he said to me, "You know she's going to stand up now that we have lowered the crib, right?" Darned if we didn't turn around and find her STANDING...staring out over the side of the crib at us with the biggest grin on her sweet little face! What a monkey! Now, she is crawling around and trying to pull up on everything! She loves to stand up, holding onto your hands, and bounce. She gets the biggest smile on her face and you can see just how proud she is of herself! And if you thought that was the last bit of news on Hannah G. you are wrong! Yesterday I left Hannah and Seth with my neighbor Amy for a couple hours. When I got there to pick the kids up she (Hannah) had just woken up. She was extremely happy to see me and sat with me while I hung out with Amy for a bit. To keep the story short and details shorter, I will just tell you that after a few minutes Hannah began to fuss because she was hungry. I sat her on the floor and walked away to fix the bottle. Well, I guess eh panicked and started to cry. She let out one of those loud screams and then it was immediately followed by the "Silent cry" - mouth wide open, no sound coming out and no air going in. This went on for what seemed like forever so Amy picked her up. We both tried to blow in Hannah's face to make her breath and she wouldn't. Then, her head just fell onto Amy's chest. At first we both thought she had fallen asleep really fast, but then I realized that Hannah had actually passed out! Yes, you read that right, she passed out! Of course Amy and I both got very scared because we noticed that for a very short moment Hannah had actually begun to turn blue and we almost called 911, but then Hannah woke up and was back to 100% within a couple of minutes. She was still hungry so I fed her and then I called her doctor. As always, Nurse Pat came to the rescue and said that what had happened was that Hannah had had a Breath Holding Spell. Yes, there really is such a thing, no I had never heard of it, and yes, there is every possibility it will happen again! The good thing is that there really is no risk of these spells harming her and Nurse Pat gave me some instructions as far as how to try to prevent them and how to deal with them if/when they happen. While I am glad I was there when it happened, I am even happier that Henry was not there. We all know Henry to be a very calm person, cool and collected even, but NOT when it comes to his babies! I think that's what makes him such a great father! So, in the last 24 hours we haves talked the heck out of what happened and I have explained to him what to do if this happens again. He is not comfortable with the thought of it happening again, neither am I for that matter, but it is something we may have to deal with. The Breath Holding Spells are reflexive and this is when they develop, at this age. From the things I have read they will peak by age two and should be gone by age five! Lucky us, right?!?! So, now we need to make sure not to give in to her when she has these spells, especially if it is in response to a "fit." Nurse Pat told me that some of the children who have this reflex reaction will actually learn how to use it and well, we don't want that! All in all, Hannah is great! My Mom is looking for the book by Dr. Dobson about raising a Strong Willed Child. She gave it away a while ago and now we both wish she hadn't, as it seems we will have a very strong willed little girl on our hands!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Seth's Big Day

A few conversations with the birthday boy: Mommy: "Seth, how old are you?" Seth: "I'll be two!" Mommy: "Seth, today is your birthday party, how old are?" Seth: (a little more emphatic) "I'll be TWO!" Mommy: "No, hold old are you?" ("Say two!") Seth: "Um, two! I'll be two!" Mommy: "Seth, what's your favorite color?" Seth: "Geen." Mommy: "Seth, what color is the car?" Seth: "Geen!" Mommy: "No, it's red." Seth: "Oh, red!" (repeat with all colors...except for yellow on occasion!) Mommy: "What does a (insert animal) say?" Seth: "(Animal) say (insert appropriate noise)!" Mommy: "What does Daddy say?" Seth: "Daddy say 'Hey buddy!'" Mommy: "What does Mommy say?" Seth: "Mommy say 'I luh loo!'" (with the drippiest, sweetest sound to it!) Mommy: "What does Hannah say?" Seth: "Hannah say 'WAH WAH WAH!'" Mommy: "What does Seth say?" Seth: "Seth say 'I luh loo!'" (again with the drippiest, sweetest sound!") (This promises to be a long post so I apologize in advance! I want to make sure I have certain things recorded!) Seth is now two years old and I cannot believe it! I knew the time would fly, but never this fast. I was talking with my Mom and Dad yesterday about how different it is for them watching me with my kids and telling me how much they missed watching me grow up and that made me wonder, how much have I already missed in just these two short years? So much has changed that I don't even know where to begin. I guess the first place is bedtime. Our bedtime routine (if we ever really had one) was always pretty set in stone. The only real routine thing about it was that Henry HAD to put Seth to bed. As Seth began to talk it turned into "Daddy rock." And Daddy rocked each and every night (as long as he wasn't working). Some nights Seth would ask for me and then pitch a fit for Daddy. I must admit that my feelings were always a bit hurt...that is until recent weeks. After moving Seth into his big boy bed (or "Seth's bed") we began to try to put him down without much rocking, if any at all. We also began saying bedtime prayers with him on a regular basis. Now, bedtime is split 50/50, and sometimes 60/40 in favor of me! A few nights I had to put Seth to bed without Henry and I tried singing to him again. (He had denied me our siging time for many months until now!) It worked. We sang a few songs and then I told him goodnight and he went off to sleep. Now when he wants me to put him to bed it is "Mommy lay." (In other words, Mommy lay with me.) So, we go upstairs and say prayers. Then Seth sweetly turns to me and says "Mommy, sing Sunshine." (You are my Sunshine) I sing "sunshine" and then I used to just sing a few other songs. Well, in the past couple of days I was curious to see what he would say if I stopped with "sunshine", if he knew to ask for the other songs. Sure enough, he looked at me and said "Jesus loves me." So I sang that and "I am Jesus little Lamb." I cherish bedtime now. Naptime, too, for that matter. He is very good for me and allows me to put him down without singing if I need, but he also knows I'll sing each song once and then it is time for sleep. We recently let our cat back inside (long story) after quite a long absence. I guess Seth forgot we had a cat because when he saw him he shouted "Kitty Cat!!!!" I told him, "Yes, remember, that's Parker." Seth then replied, "Parker!" A while later we were downstairs and his enthusiasm about Parker had not let up. He was so funny because all he wanted to do was lay on him. Then, Hannah became interested in Parker and Seth got very possessive. "No Hannah! My Parker!", he said. It was too cute! Of course, as with all children there is something new each day. Some days the new "things" are not so nice, but mostly they are so much fun! Hannah has started to make the same silly face Seth did when he was this age. Seth thinks it is so funny! Now, he walks around making the face as well! Of course, as with most kids, I have not been able to catch the faces on camera yet, but I am determined to and as soon as I do I'll share with you all! For now, do you remember this? Seth was just shy of 8 months old when this was taken. I found it! Here's Hannah's funny face! We have cherished every day with our little boy and cannot wait for each new day and each new thing he does or says. If I could have a tape recorder running 24 hours a day, for all of time, I would do it. There are too many precious moments during the day that I am sure I over look a few of them. I can truly tell you that Henry and I marvel at this incredible gift we have been given, the gift of raising the two most beautiful and wonderful children in the world!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Fun Weekend!

We had a really fun weekend this past weekend. The kids and I started it off on Friday by going to the Splash Park at the St. Augustine Beach Pier. All of our kids had a blast! I think MaKenzie spent the most time in the water while the big boys played mostly in the sand. Then, as boys will do, they both started to incorporate the sand and water play into on activity. It just tickles me to watch these little guys as they find ways to get the sand into the water. (Stealing other peoples tools and buckets, and the occasional dump truck is not beneath them! Of course, when you leave your stuff just laying around, it seems to become community property anyway!) But, as they say, boys will be boys! It was so much fun and made a great start to the weekend. We'll be doing this pretty frequently, so I'm sure you'll be seeing more pics of wet and sandy kids as the summer wears on! (Did I mention how great it is during these hot Florida days...and we haven't even hit the worst of it yet!) Saturday we had a very nice visit with my Mom and her high school friends, Lori and Margie. Mom brought the girls down to visit and meet her grandbabies. (I'll add a few pictures when I get the from Mom's camera.) They seemed to enjoy themselves at our house and had GREAT entertainment! Seth was in rare form and put on quite the show. All he kept doing was throwing himself onto the floor and screaming "OH NO! I fall Down!" It was so funny! We're not sure where the energy came from, but we didn't really care because it was so much fun! Then, after church and naps on Sunday we went over to the house of a family who used to go to church with us. To make a long story short, they have been taking their 4 year old son to Margo's story time at the library for over 2 1/2 years and only just recently made the connection between her and Henry! Well, we had a blast! Margo, my Mom and Dad were all there. We took the kids down to their Paddock to meet the horses. Seth was quite interested until the horse started making noises and getting a little close to him. Then, he wanted down! Hannah, on the other hand, was completely in love. She was not afraid at all! She had a grand time trying to rip the horses nose off. Thankfully, Romeo was sweet and just let her. Romeo also fell in love with my Mom. She was wearing her patchouli oil and I guess Romeo was way into it! He followed her and kept nuzzling her face and chest with his head. At one point he had his whole nostril on her cheek! It was hilarious and I must say I was very impressed with my Mom...I didn't think she was very fond of horses! I guess I was wrong! After Seth was "all done" with the horses, he got on Sean's "John Deer Tractor". I didn't think he would know how to make it go, but he quickly figured it out and spent the better part of 15 minutes just going in a circle. The smile on his face was priceless! He absolutely loved it! The only way we were able to pry him off of there was by telling him we were going swimming. Of course it worked! He loves swimming! Well, he had so much fun and swam...ok, played so hard that he was wiped out! (He slept until 11:00 the next morning!) Anyway, we had such a nice time catching up and swimming and having a yummy bar-b-q dinner! And, last but certainly not least, we had a nice visit with Aunt Melanie, Uncle Adam and Isaiah and Elijah. Melanie and Adam are our kids Godparents. They were in town visiting family (and us!) before Adam's Vicarage is up and before they go back to Indiana at the end of the Summer. It was our first time meeting our new god-son, Elijah. He is so precious! What a sweet baby her is...and big like his big brother was! Melanie and Adam came over for dinner and we spent the evening catching up, laughing at our kids antics and just having a really nice time together. I can only pray that when Adam is called to a church next year it is at least somewhat close to Florida, if not in Florida! (Sorry for stealing the pics, Mel! I realized a bit too late that I didn't get any pictures of the littlest man!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A visit from Life Flight

Yes, you did read that just read too far into it! We went up to Henry's school today to see our neighbor, Joe, a Life Flight Trauma Nurse, do a show and tell for the 8th graders. It was really neat! The helicopter pilot treated us all to a couple of fly by's and then a fancy landing. The kids seemed really impressed..ok, until they were all dusted, but that's ok! It was a very impressive landing and very interesting presentation from Joe. The kids actually behaved themselves (the 8th graders were good, too, and asked lots of interesting questions!) and to my surprise Hannah was not at all scared. Seth, on the other hand was a bit afraid. He really liked seeing it in the air, but when the helicopter was landing and blowing up all of the dust and grass he became frightened. He turned to me and started asking "Make helicopter go way, make go way Mommy, pease!" It was really so cute, the first 10 times. He then proceeded to repeat himself for the next 30 minutes. He would tell me all about how it flies and then he'd look at me in all seriousness and say, "Make go way, Mommy!" Finally, it was time for us to go. Seth was quietly insistent that if the helicopter was not going to go away, then we needed to go in the car. So, I finally gave in and took the kids to the car. We waited the beautifully air conditioned shade...while the guys took off again and then we came home. All in all it was a great beginning to our day! Thank you Joe, Matt and Bernie for coming to the school and giving such a great presentation! Here's a couple of pics. Because Seth was a bit afraid we only got a couple. The other pictures are just from the last couple of days...just thought they were cute and wanted to share them as well!